Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Dark Warriors series: Introduction?

So, I started writing this book because I wanted to do something new, something different. I had felt like nothing could make my writer’s block go away. Then one day, my friend gave me a prompt. She told me to make up a truly original story; one that I had never thought up before. She told me to even devise a world that would cause me to create even the tiniest details. She thought this would help my creative juices start flowing again. She was right! One day I was following her instructions and the next an entire system had been thought up. By the end of that week I had a government, a plot, a romantic approach and some paranormal otherworldly sexy warriors all wrapped up into a cluster of word documents. Quickly, I began to push and pull the stories of each character until they meshed together. At some point I will upload a character analysis that would help keep track of the many faces in this series! I hope you enjoy!

The Dark Warriors series:
I made up a world where humans weren’t originally from earth. A group of “humanoid” criminals, from planet Arinth, escape a death sentence from the Council. Along with their colonies they crash landed on earth and took over the planet as their home. Century’s later humans, unaware of their ancestry, are being guarded from the dark truth but are also protected from the dark powers that be by The Dark Warriors. Here enters one small unit of the Dark Warriors stationed on earth. These otherworldly warriors police the galaxy keeping the eternal balance and peace of each planet. They are hot, they have paranormal abilities and they live forever. The six book series follows each member of this unit throughout their journey of blood and death, vengeance, self-discovery, love and eternal destiny.

Tristan Omen- The Leader
Chase Hunter- The Tracker
Mendax Andana- The Storyteller
Julius Constantine- The Healer
Vectio- The Transporter
Technik- The Techy

Thus, The Dark Warriors series was born.
I hope you enjoy the first book; Hunter.

"The only way to be a writer is to write, write and write. The only to write." -Irma Jemison

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